hmm.. intended to pon chapel today..kena caught by li chuen at canteen-.-. sian. then went up n listen to pastor's "singing". after that went for co. saw dylan lingering around in canteen when hes supposed to be in xiao zu. so we ate wit him,blablabla. went up co room,damn noisy ,the"suo na's" sounds like farting,n its blasting my ears.after awhile we went down again to eat.stupid dylan,saw the net ball girls n said"aiyO WILLIAM ah,only know how to look at vivien jumping around~~"something like tat i forgot wad he said. WTF???!!!!!always like to tok crap leh-.-. we went up. then mr chua came,i was arranging chairs with them,then he gestured me to go to him. *shit*. "so have u been practising?...blablablabla" i said yes(i really did practise)then he ask jingsi,luckily she said yes -.-.

so listen to dem play their syf song until around freaking boring,i went home myself.

i read it.felt a jolt in my stomach.
what feeling is this?why am i still having this feeling?
Ill wait.Ill wait till u finally realised im waiting.
Im always waiting.


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